About Us
Since our first performance of Snow White and the seven dwarfs in way back in 1973, we have produced a Christmas Family Pantomime each year for the local community to enjoy. We aim to provide high quality entertainment for local residents and patrons along with providing an encouraging environment for all ages to develop the skills of theatre. Our motto is ‘An amateur company, with professional standards’, something we always strive to adhere too.
All of our volunteers learn key skills and talents during their time with us. Whether it’s working backstage for the first time, rigging the lights or taking to the stage to perform. We take care to ensure we mentor and develop all of our members and have great pride in home grown talent from our community.
The Society is managed by an executive committee comprising of a Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and 6 other members who all have set responsibilities within the committee. They manage the day to day running of the society. From 1973 to 2006 we performed all of our shows at the Seaton Delaval & Holywell Community Centre, however from 2007 have performed yearly at our new home of the Seaton Delaval Arts Centre.
We currently produce an annual Christmas Pantomime at the start of December along with a yearly summer musical and a youth theatre show.
We’d love to see you soon at one of our upcoming shows. We are also always looking for new members to join our organisation both onstage and behind the scenes in a number of roles! Drop us an email on info@seatondelavalartscentre.com for more information and an informal chat.